My Running Story: The Castilleja Family
How/when did you guys start running?
I grew up out in the country back up north in Kansas. There were only a few things you could do to pass the time. Running was one of them.
As kids my older brother and I loved exploring. We would wonder off as far as we could without getting too I’ll be honest, if there was a road, we would bike it, but some of the cool spots were only accessible by foot. To those spots, we would run. The faster the better, my brother was always a faster runner, but I didn’t mind. I can still see him running and sometimes use that as inspiration when getting those miles in.
Karen and the boys have the same mindset. When outside, have fun, and if you can run it, run! When on hikes, or even when on vacation, we always tend to find a way to add in a run. It just feels good to wake up the body and get the day going with a good run. So as far as when we started running, I would say we all started when were kids and hopefully keep running for years to come.
From left to right: Amancio Jr, Amancio, Karen and Noah.
What inspires your family to be active? What do you love the most about running together?
There are days when there is at least one of us is too tired to run.
For example, after a long day at work I rather eat some dinner, take a shower, and hit the sheets. On those days, I’ll be sitting on the couch and I’ll try to get some shut eye. In the meanwhile, everyone is putting on their running shoes, doing some stretches and checking their watches. Right before they walk out the door, they will hand me a water, and say: “come on, let’s go”. So I’ll get up, put on my running gear as well, and we all head out.
Them getting me to go with them on that run is what we do for each other. We keep each other going because we know that after that run, whatever had us down that day will wash away.
The way we support each other in running is how we support each other in life: Always there for one another.
What lessons have you learned from running?
One lesson: Get out there and get others out there. So running, more than anything clears the mind and soul. Anyone who runs can probably agree. So, I love to draw, love to bike, and even love to write.
Each one of those things are different ways of finding or expressing yourself. With art, it’s visual and you can share it. Same with writing, it’s shared. The biking is close to running, but it does limit you to where you can go, and sometimes you get a flat. Running, now that is totally you and only you. You can escape and clear the mind of any distractions, and sometimes escaping allows you to view life in a special way that brings you joy. However, that joy can also be shared.
I’m sure you have gone on a long special sunset run. Your tired and out of breath, but then you stop for a moment and everything around you recharges you and somehow you get your breath back, your no longer tired, and now you smiling from ear to ear. Moments like that only make it more amazing when you can share it with your family and friends.
How has the Andiamo challenges motivated/inspired/supported you?
Adding in some races or mile challengers keeps us on our toes to make sure we still get out there even when life gets busy. The family has always loved Andiamo races. Out of all the races and events we have done, Andiamo does have the coolest swag and medals.
Last year we were sad when the races ended. But when we signed up for the mile challenges, we were so happy to be part of the running community again. Seeing everyone out there getting in those miles is so amazing! Its so inspiring to see them out there in the rain, the heat, and even in the snow.
We are happy to be part of your Andiamo Running Family! ~ Amacio Castilleja
Amancio, Karen, Amancio Jr. and Noah have run many of the Andiamo Races and have also completed several of the Andiamo Mile Challenges. Thanks for being part of the Andiamo running community! ¡Muchas gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad! They are such an inspiration to us as we believe running and staying active is even more fun when you do it together with your loved ones. Follow their adventures on Instagram #Keepruning #keepgoing #yocorroeveryday